Some days after I moved to Eindhoven, I went to the city hall to register as a resident. I took the chance to ask questions about two problems related to the house: advertising into the mail box and garbage collection.
After some days, you may start to get many advertisements (obviously in Dutch) by mail. To defend yourself from this “invasion”, it is necessary to get a sticker. There are of two kinds: the Nee Nee e the Nee Ja. This Dutch website explains how they work:

With this sticker you won’t get any advertising, but you will get some house-to-house newspapers.

With this sticker you won’t get any advertising nor house-to-house newspapers. You may ask for the stickers at the city hall and you will get them for free. I advise you to do so as soon as possible!
Regarding the garbage collection in Eindhoven, there is a great website called Afvalkalender (garbage calendar). You have to insert your postcode and you can see the days in which they are collected. Where I live there is only collection of paper, generic waste is thrown in the dedicated containers that are opened with the magnetic card. Glass needs to be thrown into the bins close to supermarkets.
A quite unusual thing is that collection does not necessarily happen in the morning. Yesterday they picked up paper at 6pm!